Qualcomm Snapdragon chips is a family of mobile system on a chip (SoC) made by Qualcomm for the use of smartphones, tablets, smartbooks. SoC is basically a chip which has a processor, a Graphic card and various types of controllers and sensors. Qualcomm company was founded in 1985 and is comparatively older than MediaTek which was founded in 1997. Qualcomm stands on the first rank in smartphone processors. On the other hand, MediaTek is a very popular company in the South Asian market.
Why are Snapdragon processors so costly?
Well, the price of the chip does not depend only on the processor but on the performance which is dependent on various factors like controllers, sensors and majorly on the Graphic card on that chip. If we compare the Graphic card then we find an Adreno GPU on Snapdragon SoC, whose performance is way better than Mali GPU which is found on MediaTek processors. Snapdragon processors are more optimised to various types of Games, Softwares this is the main reason to buy a Snapdragon processor over MediaTek.
Still, why do people choose MediaTek?
Talking about MediaTek, it is a company which does not do any research on optimising their processors and simply assemble various components available in the market and sell them. As they do not do any research the cost of their processors is also low as compared to Snapdragon who constantly does research on how their processors will be more efficient/optimised. And the budget is the main reason why people choose a low priced processor rather than going with the one which is more optimised.
Why buy Qualcomm based phones?
Firstly the GPU given by MediaTek is not optimised to all software and hardware. Which results in a bad performance output by the MediaTek processor. Secondly, we now have options for a Qualcomm based phone in a low price segment. So why should we buy an average processor phone? If we sit to compare the processors on same segments then we find that not a single MediaTek processors are more optimised than Snapdragon. MediaTek has only one flagship processor that is the MediaTek hello X30 is available only in one phone. While this post was made Qualcomm's Snapdragon 625 was the best processor compared to its price range. So guys would strongly suggest you buy a Qualcomm based phone that's it.
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